Scantinia penalized a sex crime (stuprum ) against a freeborn
male minor (ingenuus or prasetextatus). It may also have been used to prosecute adult
male citizens who willingly took a passive role in sexual intercourse with
other men. The law did not prohibit
homosexual activity (as long as the passive partner was not a citizen in good
standing), but was aimed at protecting a [male] citizen's body from sexual
abuse (stuprum). Lex Scantinia
seems to have been principally used for harassing political opponents whose private
behaviour left them vulnerable to criticism as passive homosexuals.
It is not clear if the law made stuprum against a
minor a capital crime: it is possible that a large fine may have been imposed
instead, since law courts of the Republic rarely executed Roman citizens. Conflation
of the Lex Scantinia with later or other legislation on sexual behavior
has led to erroneous assertions that the Romans had strict laws and penalties
against homosexuality in general.
Quintilian refers to a fine of 10,000 sesterces for
committing stuprum with a freeborn male, which is sometimes construed as
referring to the Lex Scantinia, even though the law is not named in the
There is no Latin word for “homosexual” or
“heterosexual.” Within Roman sexuality,
the principal dichotomy was active/dominant/masculine and
passive/submissive/"feminine." An adult male citizen was defined by his libertas,
"liberty." Allowing his body
to be used for pleasure by others was considered servile or submissive and a
threat to his integrity. Having sex with other males of lower status,
such as prostitutes or slaves, did not compromise a Roman’s masculinity as long
as he took the active, dominant role.
The Lex Scantinia penalized the debauchery (stuprum)
of a youth, but may also have permitted the prosecution of citizens who chose
to take the pathic ("passive" or "submissive") role in homosexual
relations. Suetonius refers
to the law in the context of punishments for those who are
"unchaste," which for male citizens often suggests pathic behavior. Ausonius
made an epigram in which a semivir, "half-man," fears the Lex
It has been argued that the Lex Scantinia was concerned
with the rape of freeborn youth, but the narrowness of this interpretation has called
into question. The law may have codified traditional sanctions against stuprum
involving men, as a forerunner to the Lex
Julia de adulteriis coercendis, which criminalized adultery with women. The
early Christian poet Prudentius makes a scathing joke that if Jupiter had been
subject to Roman law, he could have been convicted under both the Julian and
the Scantinian laws.
Freeborn Roman boys wore a protective amulet (bulla), which was
a visible sign that they were sexually off limits. Puberty was considered a
dangerous transitional stage in the formation of masculine identity. When a
boy came of age, he removed his bulla, dedicated it to his household
gods, and became sexually active under the patronage of Liber, the god of both
political and sexual liberty. Pederasty
among the Romans involved an adult male citizen and a youth who was typically a
slave between the ages of 12 and 20.
The law protected only youths from freeborn families in good
standing. Youths born or sold into
slavery, or those who fell into slavery through military conquest, were subject
to prostitution or sexual use by their masters. Male prostitutes and
entertainers, even if "free," were considered infames, of no social standing, and were thus excluded from the
protections afforded the citizen's body. It is possible that male slaves were
granted freedom in recognition of a favored sexual relationship with their
master, however in some cases of genuine affection it is possible that those
slaves may have remained legally slaves, since under the Lex Scantinia
the couple could have been prosecuted if both were free citizens.
The infrequency with which literary sources invoked the Lex
Scantinia suggests that prosecutions during the Republic were aimed at
harassing political opponents, while prosecutions during the reign of Domitian occurred
in a general climate of political and moral crisis.
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