Thursday, June 13, 2013

The insurmountable problem for the church regarding both anti-semitism and homosexuality

We can chart the redactions in Paul’s letters by the nature of the claim made in the letter and by the audience to whom the letter was addressed:

The Sarah/Hagar model for inheritance based on legitimacy is in Galatians, in Anatolia.  As a locale proximate to the Greek sphere, and as a subordinate state within the Roman empire, the issue of freedom over slavery was pertinent.

The adoption model appears in letter to Romans.  This is unsurprising.  We have noted that adopting oneself (or being adopted into) a family for the purpose of continuing the family line was accepted practice.    It is, therefore, entirely reasonable to assume that the notion was not Pauline, but was the product of the community with which Paul had communication.

The Church’s inheritance and ownership of text is based on the “adoption” theology redacted into letter to Romans creates insurmountable problems for the contemporary church:  while it is nice and liberal to claim that Christianity is “tolerant” by repeatedly asserting that the central figure is Jewish (therefore it is, in theory, impossible for Christians to be anti-Semitic), the reality is that the basis of the Church’s ownership of text is from the Pauline letters, which demonized,  disenfranchised and finally disowned Judean claim to ownership of the text.

Those letters, most likely redacted by the communities which were in communication with Paul, formed the basis for the Church’s evolution (because without a strong claim to ownership of the text, thee would have been no basis on which the Church could make a claim to legitimacy).

Ownership of text by disinheriting the original owners provided the basis for Christian anti-Semitism which constituted a societal norm up to and through the Holocaust (incidents of individual conscience do not override the fact that the social norm of anti-Semitismwas consistent with ecclesiastic acceptance that the Church owned the text because the Jews were both illegitimate [via Galatians] and disowned [via Romans]).

Overriding the acceptance of that text in order to de-prohibit homosexuality would also mean overriding the acceptance of text which conferred ownership of text on the Church.

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